Sensuous Astrology + Tarot
The language of the stars is already alive and well within you
Bite into a juicy tomato and let the solar saturation of your Leo energy drip and shine. Breathe a Gemini breeze as it levitates and leads a leaf along its way. Behold your gorgenius gravity as you build your Capricorn bones from the ground up.
Astrology + tarot meet us exactly where we are with what we’ve got. Inside our kitchen cabinets and makeup cases. Between the lines of our favorite pop songs and the pavement cracks. When we’re bottomed out and when we’re over the brim.
By speaking these energies into being, we infuse our lives with more of the meaning they’re already made from. This is mystical maximalism. The inherence of anima. A world that moves through more of us, as we move with the magic of all of it.
Here’s to diving heart first into everything that YOU contain …